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February 2022

Week 1 Meditation and Journaling with Kinga Kovacs

1 February, at 6:00am

Week 5: Your Time Pilates with Carolyn Atkins

1 February, at 8:00am

Rachel Willett’s Mind Bites: The Power of Decisions

1 February, at 11:00am

Ask Dr Corinne Fletcher

1 February, at 11:30am

Week 5: Moving with the Moon Yoga with Louise Pitman

1 February, at 6:00pm

Week 1: Strength Class with Clara Mosha

2 February, at 6:00am

Week 5: Full Body Dynaband Workout with Caroline Kerslake

2 February, at 11:45am

Week 1: Qi Gong and Tapping for Longevity with Bev Welch

2 February, at 6:00pm

Week 1: Yoga for Complete Beginners with Alex Bannard

3 February, at 6:00am

Week 1: Breathwork For Health and Peri/Menopause Self-Care with Melike Hussein

3 February, at 8:00am

Week 5: Foundations of Fitness and Strength with Lesley Waldron

3 February, at 9:30am

Rachel Willett’s Mind Bites: The Power of Words

3 February, at 11:00am

The Menopause Kitchen with Nigel Denby: Pork, Rice and Lentil Stew

3 February, at 4:00pm

Week 1: Beginner Pilates with Carolyn Atkins

4 February, at 6:00am

Catch Up with Week 3: Your Time Pilates with Carolyn Atkins

4 February, at 8:00am

Know Your Nutrients with Lucy Jones: Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6)

4 February, at 10:00am

Back to Basics in Focus with Nigel Denby: Making the Most of the HSAH Resources

4 February, at 1:00pm

Real Women, Real Stories: Clara Mosha

4 February, at 4:00pm

Week 4: Rise and Shine with Annie Hayes-Pantony

5 February, at 9:00am

Week 4: The Menopause Strength Building Class with Clara Mosha

5 February, at 2:00pm

Week 5: Your Time Pilates with Carolyn Atkins

5 February, at 3:00pm

Week 4: Reflexology Techniques to Relax and Nourish the Body and Mind with Meg Murray Jones

5 February, at 4:00pm

Week 1: Breathwork For Health and Peri/Menopause Self-Care with Melike Hussein

6 February, at 12:00pm

Week 5: Full Body Dynaband Workout with Caroline Kerslake

6 February, at 1:00pm

Week 1: Qi Gong and Tapping for Longevity with Bev Welch

6 February, at 2:00pm

Week 5: Foundations of Fitness and Strength with Lesley Waldron

6 February, at 3:00pm

Week 5: Moving with the Moon Yoga with Louise Pitman

6 February, at 4:00pm

Week 5: Rise and Shine with Annie Hayes-Pantony

7 February, at 8:00am

Week 5: The Menopause Strength Building Class with Clara Mosha

7 February, at 10:00am

Week 5: Reflexology Techniques to Relax and Nourish the Body and Mind with Meg Murray Jones

7 February, at 7:00pm

Week 2: Meditation and Journaling with Kinga Kovacs

8 February, at 6:00am

Week 6: Your Time Pilates with Carolyn Atkins

8 February, at 8:00am

Real Women, Real Stories: Carolyn Harris MP

8 February, at 10:00am

Rachel Willett’s Mind Bites: The Good Might Not Always Seem Obvious

8 February, at 11:00am

Ask Dr Corinne Fletcher: Collagen and Skin

8 February, at 11:30am

Week 6: Moving with the Moon Yoga with Louise Pitman

8 February, at 6:00pm

Week 2: Strength Class with Clara Mosha

9 February, at 6:00am

Week 6: Full Body Dynaband Workout with Caroline Kerslake

9 February, at 11:30am

Week 6: Full Body Dynaband Workout with Caroline Kerslake

9 February, at 11:45am

Week 2: Qi Gong and Tapping for Longevity with Bev Welch

9 February, at 6:00pm

Week 2: Yoga for Complete Beginners with Alex Bannard

10 February, at 6:00am

Week 2: Breathwork For Health and Peri/Menopause Self-Care with Melike Hussein

10 February, at 8:00am

Week 6: Foundations of Fitness and Strength with Lesley Waldron

10 February, at 9:30am

Rachel Willett’s Mind Bites: 'I Know This Might Sound...'

10 February, at 11:00am

The Menopause Kitchen with Nigel Denby: Sweet Potato Dahl

10 February, at 4:00pm

Week 2: Beginner Pilates with Carolyn Atkins

11 February, at 6:00am

Know Your Nutrients with Lucy Jones: Biotin (Vitamin B7)

11 February, at 10:00am

Back to Basics in Focus with Nigel Denby: Keep Thriving

11 February, at 1:00pm

Real Women, Real Stories: Emma Dineen

11 February, at 4:00pm

Week 5: Rise and Shine with Annie Hayes-Pantony

12 February, at 9:00am

Week 5: The Menopause Strength Building Class with Clara Mosha

12 February, at 2:00pm

Week 6: Your Time Pilates with Carolyn Atkins

12 February, at 3:00pm

Week 5: Reflexology Techniques to Relax and Nourish the Body and Mind with Meg Murray Jones

12 February, at 4:00pm

Week 2: Breathwork For Health and Peri/Menopause Self-Care with Melike Hussein

13 February, at 12:00pm

Week 6: Full Body Dynaband Workout with Caroline Kerslake

13 February, at 1:00pm

Week 2: Qi Gong and Tapping for Longevity with Bev Welch - Back2Bed Part Two

13 February, at 2:00pm

Week 6: Foundations of Fitness and Strength with Lesley Waldron

13 February, at 3:00pm

Week 6: Moving with the Moon Yoga with Louise Pitman

13 February, at 4:00pm

Week 6: Rise and Shine with Annie Hayes-Pantony

14 February, at 8:00am

Week 6: The Menopause Strength Building Class with Clara Mosha

14 February, at 10:00am

Week 6: Reflexology Techniques to Relax and Nourish the Body and Mind with Meg Murray Jones

14 February, at 7:00pm

Week 3: Meditation and Journaling with Kinga Kovacs

15 February, at 6:00am

Week 7: Your Time Pilates with Carolyn Atkins

15 February, at 8:00am

Rachel Willett’s Mind Bites: Unconditional Self Love

15 February, at 11:00am

Week 7: Moving with the Moon Yoga with Louise Pitman

15 February, at 6:00pm

Week 3: Strength Class with Clara Mosha

16 February, at 6:00am

Week 7: Full Body Dynaband Workout with Caroline Kerslake

16 February, at 11:45am

Week 3: Qi Gong and Tapping for Longevity with Bev Welch

16 February, at 6:00pm

Week 3: Yoga for Complete Beginners with Alex Bannard

17 February, at 6:00am

Week 3: Breathwork For Health and Peri/Menopause Self-Care with Melike Hussein

17 February, at 8:00am

Week 7: Foundations of Fitness and Strength with Lesley Waldron

17 February, at 9:30am

Rachel Willett’s Mind Bites: Listening to the Wisdom of your Body

17 February, at 11:00am

The Menopause Kitchen with Nigel Denby: Mushroom Stroganoff

17 February, at 4:00pm

Week 3: Beginner Pilates with Carolyn Atkins

18 February, at 6:00am

Know Your Nutrients with Lucy Jones: Fluoride

18 February, at 10:00am

Back to Basics in Focus with Nigel Denby: Curve Balls

18 February, at 1:00pm

Real Women, Real Stories: Gail Titchener

18 February, at 4:00pm

Week 6: Rise and Shine with Annie Hayes-Pantony

19 February, at 9:00am

Lower Body Band Workout at your Desk with Caroline Kerslake

19 February, at 11:00am

Week 6: The Menopause Strength Building Class with Clara Mosha

19 February, at 2:00pm

Week 7: Your Time Pilates with Carolyn Atkins

19 February, at 3:00pm

Week 6: Reflexology Techniques to Relax and Nourish the Body and Mind with Meg Murray Jones

19 February, at 4:00pm

Week 3: Breathwork For Health and Peri/Menopause Self-Care with Melike Hussein

20 February, at 12:00pm

Week 7: Full Body Dynaband Workout with Caroline Kerslake

20 February, at 1:00pm

Week 3: Qi Gong and Tapping for Longevity with Bev Welch

20 February, at 2:00pm

Week 7: Foundations of Fitness and Strength with Lesley Waldron

20 February, at 3:00pm

Week 7: Moving with the Moon Yoga with Louise Pitman

20 February, at 4:00pm

Week 7: Rise and Shine with Annie Hayes-Pantony

21 February, at 8:00am

Week 7: The Menopause Strength Building Class with Clara Mosha

21 February, at 10:00am

Week 7: Reflexology Techniques to Relax and Nourish the Body and Mind with Meg Murray Jones

21 February, at 7:00pm

Week 4: Meditation and Journaling with Kinga Kovacs

22 February, at 6:00am

Week 8: Your Time Pilates with Carolyn Atkins

22 February, at 8:00am

Rachel Willett’s Mind Bites: Trust the Process

22 February, at 11:00am

Ask Dr Corinne Fletcher: Everol Sequi and Synthetic Progestogens

22 February, at 11:30am

5 Minute Upper Body Workout with Carolyn Atkins

22 February, at 12:30pm

Week 8: Moving with the Moon Yoga with Louise Pitman

22 February, at 6:00pm

Week 4: Strength Class with Clara Mosha

23 February, at 6:00am

Week 8: Full Body Dynaband Workout with Caroline Kerslake

23 February, at 11:45am

Week 4: Qi Gong and Tapping for Longevity with Bev Welch

23 February, at 6:00pm

A Practical Guide to How Skin Changes During the Menopause with Balance Me Skincare

23 February, at 7:15pm

Week 4: Yoga for Complete Beginners

24 February, at 6:00am

Week 8: Foundations of Fitness and Strength with Lesley Waldron

24 February, at 9:30am

Rachel Willett’s Mind Bites: Choosing Happiness and Allowing Emotions

24 February, at 11:00am

5 Minute Upper Body Workout with Carolyn Atkins

24 February, at 12:30pm

The Menopause Kitchen with Nigel Denby: Salmon Arrabbiata

24 February, at 4:00pm

Week 4: Breathwork For Health and Peri/Menopause Self-Care with Melike Hussein

24 February, at 6:00pm

Week 4: Beginner Pilates with Carolyn Atkins

25 February, at 6:00am

Know Your Nutrients with Lucy Jones: Saturated Fats

25 February, at 10:00am

Ask the Menopause Dietitian: Ditch the Scales

25 February, at 1:00pm

Real Women, Real Stories: Lisa Berridge

25 February, at 4:00pm

Week 7: Rise and Shine with Annie Hayes-Pantony

26 February, at 9:00am

Upper Body Band Workout at your Desk with Caroline Kerslake

26 February, at 11:00am

Week 7: The Menopause Strength Building Class with Clara Mosha

26 February, at 2:00pm

Week 8: Your Time Pilates with Carolyn Atkins

26 February, at 3:00pm

Week 7: Reflexology Techniques to Relax and Nourish the Body and Mind with Meg Murray Jones

26 February, at 4:00pm

Week 8: Full Body Dynaband Workout with Caroline Kerslake

27 February, at 1:00pm

Week 4: Qi Gong and Tapping for Longevity with Bev Welch

27 February, at 2:00pm

Week 8: Foundations of Fitness and Strength with Lesley Waldron

27 February, at 3:00pm

Week 8: Moving with the Moon Yoga with Louise Pitman

27 February, at 4:00pm

Week 8: Rise and Shine with Annie Hayes-Pantony

28 February, at 8:00am

Week 8: The Menopause Strength Building Class with Clara Mosha

28 February, at 10:00am

Week 8: Reflexology Techniques to Relax and Nourish the Body and Mind with Meg Murray Jones

28 February, at 7:00pm