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Week 6: Strength Class with Clara Mosha

Time & Date: 9 March, at 6:00am

Ready to build some muscle and get stronger? Join this 8 week progressive course with strength coach Clara, each one hour session will focus on re-building muscle in a SAFE achievable way. If you have an injury please chat to Clara at the start of the class - in many cases she can give you an alternative exercise if needed.

Class includes a warm up, the workout and a cool down. Hand weights not essential but may be used towards the end of the course.

We recommend you complete each week before moving to the next one – either live or on catch up.

This class is up to 60 minutes long.

Add to Calendar 2022-03-09 06:00:00 2022-03-09 07:00:00 Harley Street At Home Europe/London Week 6: Strength Class with Clara Mosha

Ready to build some muscle and get stronger? Join this 8 week progressive course with strength coach Clara, each one hour session will focus on re-building muscle in a SAFE achievable way. If you have an injury please chat to Clara at the start of the class - in many cases she can give you an alternative exercise if needed.

Class includes a warm up, the workout and a cool down. Hand weights not essential but may be used towards the end of the course.

We recommend you complete each week before moving to the next one – either live or on catch up.

This class is up to 60 minutes long.
